Replication doubt

  • I have replication configured between servers.

    On publisher server, there are subscriptions to 3 servers.

    Now, if one subscriber server is decommissioned then replication would fail right?

    To prevent replication failing, we need to drop the subscription on publisher right. Is there anything else that needs to be done.


  • Moin,

    Just use sp_dropsubscription( and get rid of that subscriber.

    EXEC sp_dropsubscription

    @publication = @publication,

    @article = N'all',

    @subscriber = @subscriber;



  • If one of the subscribers is shut down or otherwise drops off the network then the distribution agent for that subscription would fail, but the other subscribers should be fine. Eventually the failed subscription will expire and be marked for resynchronization. As Manu pointed out, it's best just to drop that subscription (ideally before you turn the machine off, but it can still be done afterwards).

    Kendal Van Dyke[/url]

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