Alias name to Database

  • Hi all,

    I have a Database with the name of 'Master'.

    Can i access the same database with different name from my front-end application?

    My Scenario is,

    My application1 is pointing (in connection string) DatabaseA (using Table1 and Table2).

    Another application application2 is pointing DatabaseB (using Table3 and Table4).


    Now I moved all the tables (Table1, Table2, Table3 and Table4) to new Database 'Master'. I Don't want to change my connection string in application1, applicable2 .... I want to continue the same connection string. Now i want to give the alias name to my new database 'Master' as DatabaseA and DatabaseB. So my application will start using the 'Master'.

    Can u please suggest me?

    Advance Thanks.


  • Hi,

    you can use databsae synonyms for this.

    check the below example.

    The following T-SQL creates the synonym:

    CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[DimProduct]



    If you now execute "SELECT * FROM DimProduct" in the AdventureWorks database, SQL Server returns data from the AdventureWorksDW.dboDimProduct table.

    For more details refer books online.




  • Hi Sri,

    Confusion is you are giving alias name to table or database?

    I need database.



  • Good Day,

    Using the name master for a database name is not the best idea, as this is the same as the system databases.

    If you created the tables inside the MASTER database (not a good idea) but you can do it.

    I know tables can have aliases, but i am not sure about databases.

  • As far as I know, there is no way to provide a database an alias name.

    By the way why would you want to do this?

    Just for the reason that your lazy to change the name in your connection string is a little too much to ask...dont you think!:hehe:

  • rameshnkl (2/10/2009)

    I have a Database with the name of 'Master'.

    :w00t: Shall we understand you manage to create a "master" database in your SQL Server environment or happens that you have created user tables inside your "master" database?

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Sorry. Actually i mean, 'Master' is a example database name.

    No probs. Take my database name is 'Something'.

  • Problem is front-end not in my control. So i can't change the connection string.


  • I also want to know the solution so I m including myself


  • Hello,

    Not sure if this works for you.

    My firm understanding We don't have an option to create a alias name for the database, you can create the alias for tables.

    But you can create a database snapshot and access the Database with the old same name.

    NOTE: Snapshot is only ment for reporting( i mean you can read the data and you cannot update)

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Syntax for creating snapshot

    Create database ON

    (Name='' FileName='')


    P.S: if you have too many updates to master database then snapshot growth will spike up.

  • Thank for reply.

    No. i want to do all operation(Insert, Update, Delete and Select)

  • rameshnkl (2/11/2009)

    Sorry. Actually i mean, 'Master' is a example database name.

    No probs. Take my database name is 'Something'.

    Got it. You may want to check this

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Thank Old hand.

    The link provided by you expalining alias to Server in SQL Server configuration.

    But my requirement is Alias to database name;



  • I waiting for the answer still.

    Could pls anyone assist this issue?


  • ok.

    Setting the alias name to Database is possible or not?

    - Ramesh.P

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