not both

  • Good Day,

    I am working on a query for SQL Server 2005 and need some

    help with a logic problem. I want to add to the WHERE clause

    some logic to exclude a record when two conditions obtain,

    but not when they obtain individually.

    Here is the query:

    SELECT Server





    ,DateChecked = getdate()

    FROM dbo.DiskStorage

    WHERE PercentFree < 21

    I want to exclude a specific drive on a specific host by

    adding to the WHERE clause something that says "not

    both Server='SQL005' and Drive = 'G'". I want to continue

    to see the output all the other drives on the host just leave

    the one drive out of the output.

    How can I add a "not both" condition to the WHERE clause?

  • Hi

    Put it in brackets, like this:

    AND NOT (Server = 'SQL005' and Drive = 'G')



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • where not (Server='SQL005' and Drive = 'G' )

  • Gaius Baltar (2/4/2009)

    Good Day,

    I am working on a query for SQL Server 2005 and need some

    help with a logic problem. I want to add to the WHERE clause

    some logic to exclude a record when two conditions obtain,

    but not when they obtain individually.

    Here is the query:

    SELECT Server





    ,DateChecked = getdate()

    FROM dbo.DiskStorage

    WHERE PercentFree < 21

    I want to exclude a specific drive on a specific host by

    adding to the WHERE clause something that says "not

    both Server='SQL005' and Drive = 'G'". I want to continue

    to see the output all the other drives on the host just leave

    the one drive out of the output.

    How can I add a "not both" condition to the WHERE clause?

    Without going into an explanation try this:







    ,DateChecked = getdate()




    PercentFree <= 21 AND

    NOT(Server = 'SQL005' and Drive = 'G')

  • OK, thanks.

    I was trying different variations on this and did not realize you can negate multiple arguments in that way.

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