determining scale and precision of decimal/numeric datatype ??

  • Hi there,

    I am trying to get scale & precision of all the fields with decimal/numeric datatype.

    Is there any script to do so....?

    I tried using sys.systypes but it is showing me max scale & precision possible.. i.e. 38. But I am looking for precision/scale used in that field.

    thank you,

  • I got it.

    using sys.columns... precision & scale... it can be determined.


    object_name(c.object_id) "Table Name"

    , "Column Name"

    , "Column Type"



    from sys.columns c

    join sys.systypes s

    on (s.xtype = c.system_type_id)


    object_name(c.object_id) in

    (select name from sys.tables where name not like 'sysdiagrams')

    and s.[name] in ('decimal','numeric')

  • this seems to work for me

    select table_name, column_name, numeric_precision, numeric_scale


    where table_name = table_name

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