Is distributed transactions a Good Choice?

  • Hi,

    we have 2 DB servers on different domains we need to let a client to get data from a view, located in one server, which is a join of data of two tables (double hop in linked server situation)

    but since we cannot let domains trust each other, the client cannot read data of one server through another. I need to know if distributed transactions is a good choice for such situation.

    any comment about what distributed transactions is, is also appreciated

  • Depending on what you need for security, the domains do not need to trust each other to have a linked server and a single view to handle your data need. You could use SQL authentication in the linked server and even connect via http to the second server if you had to.

    A distributed transaction is primarily for updates. It is really to ensure an update is made across all necessary servers without any individual part failing. So, if you need to insert a new client on one server and an order for that client on another server in a single transaction, a distributed transaction will roll back the client insert if the order insert fails. MS uses the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) to handle this across multiple databases that can handle distributed transactions.

  • Thanks Michael for the comments,

    From this article:], I concluded that SQL authentication will not resolve the problem, Please provide me with more comments if I'm wrong.

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