Linked Server between x86 and x64 SQL 2005 Gives Strange Error

  • We have created linked server between

    SQL 2005 x86 Server &

    SQl 2005 x84 Server.

    When i click "Test Linked Server" it is working. Also when i run

    SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [LinkedServer].[master].[dbo].sysobjects

    It is working!

    Now from my desktop i open Management studio and connect to the 2005 x86 Server and run

    SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [LinkedServer].[master].[dbo].sysobjects I get results. Now If I leave the session idle for 10 minutes and then run the same query, I get "SQLNCLI: time out expired" and even I click new query window and run the query same error.

    If I get into the server and click Testlinked server it works fine and then later If I run the same query from my desktop now it works fine...It looks something strange... Anyone experienced the same? Please share!

    My Blog ->

  • Hi Sam,

    Let me check this when i go to office... I think it is the culprit... Thanks!

    My Blog ->

  • Just curious, Did it worked by changing the remote query time out Seconds?

    You mentioned above "even I click new query window and run the query same error"

    If that is the case then the issue will not be "remote query time"

    If solved that'f fine, otherwise can you tell me which authentication you uses in LinkedServer?

    I've faced some error when I used 3rd option "Connect using current login "

    It will work from our application and goest time out, But if I connect again inthe amchin using managemnet Studio It works..

  • Hi,

    I forgot to update the forum... Nope.. It is still not working... I'm using SQL authentication with hardcoded user ID..

    My Blog ->

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