Is it a Bug while scripting database?

  • Hi,

    I generated scripts this way- Database-tasks-generate scripts-Wizard.

    In Wizard:

    Database name - options :- id not exists = true,Script drop = true, and all defualts values, - stored procedures - Finish.

    But, surprisigly it created, all the stored procedures with dynamic sql like this..

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[stored Procedure]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))


    EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'/*****************************************************************

    Procedure Name : stored procedure

    Create procudure



    OF course with use statements only on the first - them, we have to find some kind of solution to add use statements in every script it created..Which is another BUG

    Basically what we want to achive here is script all the stored procedures to incorporate into Visual Source Safe. We would like to have USe database, drop statements and create the way create each one using script procedure as - Create to - New query editor window and drop to and we usually merge these to have one file..

    I want to know any other solution/thoughts of using database componets with VSS?



  • While I have not seen this issue personally ... to answer your question about scripting out the objects into source safe ... Bill Wunder's DDL Archive Utility is an excellent solution. Although it does not grab the 2005 objects, he has a new version in the works for that.

    A site license is only like $900 ... if you're interested, tell him Adam sent ya: If you decide to use it, I have many custom reporting and notification processes setup using his data that I'd be more than happy to share with you.

    Good luck

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