Maintenance Plan with mutiple DB's

  • I currently have a maintenance plan setup that backs up a set of around 16 databases, which has a notify operator when the job ends for Failure and Success. However last night the backup failed and the notify operator only tells you that the job failed and not which database has failed.

    Is there a way to modify the Maintenance plan to show which database has failed, I have thought about separating the Backup Database command into 16 separate boxes and having a SUCCESS or FAILURE notify option for each but that seems a little excessive.

    Any Ideas


  • Not through the job history, but from the maintanace plan history (Right click on the maintanance plan)...we can get the details for each database which is a part of maintenance plan.



  • I need to be able to get an email when the Job is successful and and email for each of the failed databases

  • You could use the Maintenance Plan option [Send report to an e-mail recipient].

    You could also create an alert on the error number for a failed backups. Then you will know about all failed backups instantly.

    Ola Hallengren

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