How to change value of a field

  • A newbie question:

    How do I change the value of a field in a flow?

    I have a Lookup data flow task that goes out to a SQL Server table; if the value is not found, it just ignores the error and the field in the flow is a Null. I want to change this Null value in the field to a 0. How do I do this?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Add a Derived Column Transformation after the Lookup and use the expression "ISNULL([fieldname]) ? 0 : [fieldname]"


  • The Derived Column data flow transformation seems to do the trick for me.

    I use something like: ISNULL(BenefitId) ? 0 : BenefitId to replace the null in the BenefitId field in the flow.

  • Many thanks Peter; that does the trick.

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