datatype convertion prob

  • Hi Friedns,

    I am transfering data from oledb source to excel destination i am getting this error

    error : First name cannot be converted unicode datatype to non-unique code datatype

    any body plz help me



  • Hi Subu,

    You will need to change the data type on the output of the OLEDB Data Source to something more appropriate for Excel. Most likely a string.

    Right click on the OLEDB Data Source and Cilck Show Advanced Editor...

    Clcik on the Input and Output Proerties tab

    Expand OLEDB Source Output

    Expand Output Columns

    Click on the First Name column

    Change the DataType property on the right pane to DT_STR or whatever works for the data. The Length property may also need to be changed.

    Click OK. You may need to repeat the process for other columns.


    DTS Package Search

  • string [DT_STR] --- Firstname, Lastname same

    unicodestring [DT-str]--- fullname

    fullname i had chaed string[dt-str] oledb source is giving error

    any body give some good suggestions

  • Add a data conversion flow task between your source and destination.

    Use this to change the First Name column to (or from) a unicode string in order to be able to insert into your excel sheet.

    I have had similar problems before when importing from excel, but the data conversion transformation makes it very easy to convert data types.

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