SQL 2005: Connecting to Database Engines not on same Network

  • SQL 2005 SP2 | 2 Instances same SQL version | Server1 on domain "domain.com" | Server2 not in domain | Login on both with local Windows Account | Servers are "mapped" to each other with respective IP addresses (192.xxx.xxx.xx)

    Server1 and Server2 show green arrows in Registered Servers on both Servers in SQL Server Management Studio.

    Server1 and Server2 show green arrows ONLY for Local instance in Object Explorer Connections on both Servers in SQL Server Management Studio. Non-local is empty green circle. Is this normal??? The login to each is using the Windows login.

    After a Local Publication is created, when attempting to "Add SQL Server Subscriber", that is, the non-local database, no connection will be made. Only TCP/IP is enabled on both instances as Native Client Configuration protocols. Only port 1433 is opened and selected for IP Default Port.

    Cannot create either a push or pull Subscription.

    Error message: TCP provider no such host is known.

    Both Servers are brand new, identical boxes running Win03SP2.

    There is nothing I can find in the literature which addresses this exact issue.

    What have I missed???????

    Is it possible that the problem is due to Server 2 not being "in" the network of Server 1 and visa versa, because Server 1 is in its own Domain, but Server 2 is not in that Domain or any Domain? Does Server 1 Domain have to "trust" Server 2 which is not in its Domain? Do both Servers have to be a member of the same "workgroup"?

    Each Server only "sees" the other via being mapped as a Drive letter to the other's IP address. Both of these servers are part of the same company, same business, just 2 locations.

    There is no GREEN arrow on the non-Local Database Engine in the Object Explorer in SQL 2005 Studio Manager at either server, even though there are GREEN arrows for both Database Engines in the Registered Servers area at both servers.

    The "connection" in the Object Explorer appears only by logging in using the IP address of the non-local Server using Windows Authentication where the User has full Admin rights on each respective server, but not with the name of the server - - Server1 or Server2 and the same User. No green arrow for the non-local Database engine appears, only an empty circle. The Alias name doesn't work either.

  • Sounds like you've got to do some DNS work - with the servers in different domains, etc. it's no wonder that you have to use an IP address to connect back and forth.

    You'll probably need to ask your network or systems admins to create the correct entries for both servers.


  • Two SQL Servers can use Windows authentication, even if they aren't in the same domain, as long as there is a trust relationship between the two domains. This does assume both SQL Servers are in a domain.

    From your post, it sounds like the second SQL Server is not in a domain, meaning it's in a workgroup. Is that the case? If so, you're going to need to drop back to SQL authentication or create Windows accounts local to the SQL Servers which have the same username/password. Domain accounts won't work.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian:

    You nailed it!!!! Thank you.

    I am forwarding your advice on to the IT manager.

  • Joe:


    I'm not the IT guy, but I am forwarding on your advice.

  • Joe Clifford (11/11/2007)

    Sounds like you've got to do some DNS work - with the servers in different domains, etc. it's no wonder that you have to use an IP address to connect back and forth.

    You'll probably need to ask your network or systems admins to create the correct entries for both servers.

    This actually depends. **puts on DNS administrator hat** If the servers are set up with correct domain search suffixes, and the DNS servers they use can resolve the IPs or they can talk to the correct DNS servers, all is well. Also, even if the domain search suffixes aren't right, if the fully qualified domain names are used, as long as they can reach the DNS servers, all is well.

    K. Brian Kelley

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