plz explain the concept of newid() and rowguidgrid in create table command

  • plz explain the concept of newid() and rowguidgrid in create table command

  • newid() is a function that returns a uniqueidentifier.


    rowguid is a setting that you can place on a uniqueidentifier datatype column to allow it to be used for replication.  All tables that are used in replication must have a rowguid.

  • thanx a lot....

    can plz send me a example for it.

  • Only merge replication and transactional replication with immediate updating subscribers will have rowguid not all replicated tables...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Create Table Test

    ( Col1 int, rowguid uniqueidentifier  default newid() not null


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • RowGUID are not only for replication, though they are required for replication.

    ADO.Net and ADO also use RowGuid (if it is set on a table) for identifying rows for disconnected batch updates.  This generates much more efficient update queries. 


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