Poor Web App Performance?

  • I have recieved complaints that a Java based Web App seems to be slowing down and even kicking people out of the app in the afternoon pretty consistently.  Where would a good place be to look for this issue, just a standard SQL Tuning trace, or perhaps somewhere else?

    Haven't done much tuning on problems like this. Any help would be great. Thanks.

  • are you using connection pooling ? that would most likely be the problem.

    what jdbc drivers are you using ?


  • This is a vendor app, and I don't know much about connection pooling, but here's what I found. Anything jump out at you? Thanks for the help.

    <Config CacheSize="100" numSQLRetry="5" SQLRetryInterval="5000">

      <DBConnections ActiveConnection="xxxxxx"  ReportConnection="xxxxxxx">


        <ConParams name="xxxxxxx"  DBtype="MSS" DBCID=""


         URL="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://xxxx/xxxxx;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false"  ABAutoSumConnectionName=""

         ABIQCConnectionName=""  RMDB="Y" />

        <PoolParams dbname="xxxxxxx" Size="25" PoolMax="35" UseCount="200"  Timeout="600"

          user="B5C152DDBD9D5112E1434C42AABCF0E6" password="76BB220A3CC2CD40A2D0A3FE6639A2A7"/>


  • What do you mean by 'kicking users out'? Are they getting errors that terminates the connections? What kind of errors are they getting?

    Are they maybe getting timeouts? Try to increase the timeout values!


  • you'll be able to see if connection pooling is taking place by looking in a profiler trace against that database for a lot of sp_resetconnection commands


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