Need Help with DTS

  • Hi everybody, I hope you can help me. I try to execute the next Comand Line DTS, but never run, and i don´t know whats the problem. I got two parameters and I send this. I need help....please jelp me....

    xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /SSistemas01 /Usa /E /NMigracion Inventarios /AAlmV:"3" =  "110" /AAlmR:"3" = "109" '

  • r u running 64 bit ?


  • I'm runnin in XP

  • Hi Dial,

    What error is returned? Is xp_cmdshell enabled on your instance? Provide as much information as possible.




  • Thanks, I've found the solution and my SP run correctly, i got a sintax error. Thanss everybody again...


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