Table content to spreadsheet

  • How to output table contents to spreadsheet?

    I just want to schedule a job to send this spreadsheet to my email. Is this possible through through sql agent?

  • You could easily write a DTS for this.


  • I know how to create dts package, but can anyone give the steps I need to do or procedure ?



    1.Create ActiveX Cript to delete Destination Excel


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim objFSO, objFile,strFileName

     strFileName ="\\ServerName\folderName\ExcelNameReport.xls"

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     If objFSO.FileExists(strFileName) Then

      set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFileName)


     End If

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    2.Create SQL Connection Object

    3.a.Create Excel Destination object(that is accessible from the server,peferably on a folder on the SQL Server)

    3.b.Use Transform Data task to export Source to Destination.Copy the table that SQL Enterprise manager generates when Clicking on Destination tab.This would be added as step 4 in DTS

    4.Create Execute SQL task (Call it Create Destination) and choose the Destination Excel and past the SQL that you had copied.

    for example

    CREATE TABLE `RWC_TemeculaDC` (

    `TransactionDate` VarChar (10) ,

    `ShipmentDate` VarChar (10) ,

    `TransactionFunctionCode` VarChar (4) )

    6.On Success of the Create destination job set the DTS to run the "Transform Data task " so the table in first generated and the result is exported to Excel.

    7.Create SQL Task to email the excel as attachment

    Declare @s_Recipients nvarchar(512),

     @s_Attachment nvarchar(512),

     @s_Subject nvarchar(512)

    select @s_Recipients=''

    set @s_Attachment = '\\ServerName\folderName\ExcelNameReport.xls'

    set @s_Subject = My Subject'

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail  @recipients=@s_Recipients,

         @subject =@s_Subject,

         @attachments= @s_Attachment

    Hope this helps.


  • Thanks for the reply.

    Is it not possible to export output to spreadsheet using SQL query instead of VB script?

  • In query analyzer you can export the result to text.

    Query Analyzer->Tools->Options->Results->

    Set Default Result Target = "Result to File"

    Result output Format ="CSV"

    This will get you results in csv (It will promt when you execute the query) and CSV can be opened in Excel and Notepad.



  • Hi

    I create CSV files using BCP from stored procedures.  I build the data in a temp table, then update an "outputs" column on each record with the concatenated values from each record.  Finally, I run BCP selecting the output column.

    Researching the use of BCP should give you the answer you are looking for.  As you are wanting to run this on a scheduled basis, a stored procedure based solution would work well.



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