How long does DBCC REINDEX for a table of size 1GB takes

  • How long does DBCC REINDEX for a table of size 1GB takes ?

    I just want to do for some tables during the time of release as there will be some down time .

    Does REINDEX effect anything else?

  • It very much depends on how many indexes are on the taqble, whether they are compound (more than one column) or not, what column data-types are indexed, what your disk subsystem is like, etc.

    DBCC DBREINDEX is an offline process, meaning that the table being reindexed is unavailable to queries until complete.


    Check out DBCC DBREINDEX and DBCC INDEXDEFRAG in Books Online.

  • other than taking the table to offline, does it effect anything else?

  • Yes, keep an eye on your log file...

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