Output to a Web Page

  • Hi,

    I wish to export data using a query to present information to a web page. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction on how I would go about doing this in the most efficient manner.




    Kindest Regards,


  • That's a pretty huge topic. Entire books are written on getting information from a query to a web page, based on different scenarios.

    Most methods involve some use of ASP pages and ADO. Look for a good ASP.NET book, and that should get you started.

    Another tool to look into is SQL Reporting Services. This is like Crystal Reports, done by Microsoft. Last I checked, you can install a copy for free on the same server as your SQL Server. (Yes, running web services on your database server is not exactly brilliant, but it is free.) This will generate reports and display them as web pages. It has the advantage of doing a lot of the heavy lifting with wizards (and has a lot of nice reporting tools, but those are probably superfluous to your needs).

  • You can also take a look into using XML templates to present query results through the SQLXML IIS plugin.  Query + FOR XML + XSLT = web page

    Marshall's suggestion of Reporting Services is where I'd start, though.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Also search Books Online for sp_makewebtask


  • What language are you using for yor web development. I do this all the time with php/ado but like others have said it's a pretty broad subject.



  • QueryToDoc (http://www.schematodoc.com) will output a query result to a Word document. Word then has an export feature that will export the results to html.

  • Mate...if ur using asp.net...then you have the following options...




    ... Well you ll have to use SqlDataReader or DataSet from your programming language...example C#

    hope this helps..



  • hey i donno wat happ above..it was aspdatagrid...aspdatalist


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