New Laptop - How 2 Copy Registerations?

  • Finally getting a new Laptop!! Is there an easy way to copy all my MSSQL registrations from my old PC to new laptop?

    I don't want to register 89 instances on 43 servers all over again!! 


  • If you install the SQL 2005 client tools (which support your 7.0 and 2000 servers), you can import your existing registrations in Management Studio and then export them to an XML file.  This file can be imported on any other computer (in Management Studio) to recreate the registrations.

    If you're stuck in the SQL 2000 world, you could try using SQL-DMO to create your own import/export function.  Look up the RegisteredServers collection and how to use it at 

  • I'm not a C++ or C# programmer.  Guess I'm stuck with registering every server\instance.


  • You could use Visual Basic, or even VBScript.  You can even use sp_OAxxx procedures to access SQLDMO objects in T-SQL.

    This script may be of some use.  It won't export existing registrations, but you can create them by editing this script instead of clicking on a lot of dialog boxes.  It is a variation of a script I got somewhere, possibly even a posting on this site.  You can edit it to fit your needs with minimal or non-existent programming skills.  It can create groups, register servers with either Windows or SQL authentication, and define aliases for servers that you access by TCP/IP address.  It is VBScript, so you don't need a compiler to run it.  Just edit this in Notepad, save it to a file with an extension of .vbs, and run it.  It may only run if it is saved in a local file on your computer, security settings will very likely block it (with no error message) if you try to run it from a network share.

    With a little programming skill and imagination, you could figure out how to loop through the ServerGroups collection and each of their RegisteredServer collections to print out the necessary "CreateGroup" and "RegisterServer" subroutine calls.  Then paste that text into this script to finish the job.


    Option Explicit

    '  Declare variables

    Dim dmoApp, dmoServerGroup

    On Error Resume Next

    ' Create a reference to a DMO application

    Set dmoApp = WScript.CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")

    ' Check the aliases for PROD1 and PROD2 using TCP/IP connections

    CreateAlias "PROD1", "DBMSSOCN,"

    CreateAlias "PROD2", "DBMSSOCN,"

    ' Create Production group

    CreateGroup dmoApp, "Production", dmoServerGroup

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "PROD1", "user", "password"

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "PROD2", "user", "password"

    ' Create Servers group

    CreateGroup dmoApp, "Servers", dmoServerGroup

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "server1", "", ""

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "server2", "", ""

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "server3", "", ""

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "server4", "", ""

    ' Create Workstations group

    CreateGroup dmoApp, "Workstations", dmoServerGroup

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "(LOCAL)", "", ""

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "wkstn1", "", ""

    RegisterServer dmoServerGroup, "wkstn2", "", ""

    Set dmoServerGroup = Nothing

    Set dmoApp = Nothing

    Private Sub CreateGroup(ByRef dmoApp, ByRef sGroup, ByRef dmoServerGroup)

        On Error Resume Next

        Set dmoServerGroup = dmoApp.ServerGroups(sGroup)

        If Err.Number Then

            Set dmoServerGroup = WScript.CreateObject("SQLDMO.ServerGroup")

            dmoServerGroup.Name = sGroup

            dmoApp.ServerGroups.Add dmoServerGroup

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateAlias(ByRef sAlias, ByRef sDefinition)

        Dim sh

        Set Sh = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

        sh.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo\" & sAlias, sDefinition, "REG_SZ"

        Set Sh = Nothing

    End Sub

    Private Sub RegisterServer(ByRef dmoServerGroup, ByRef sServer, ByVal sLogin, ByVal sPassword)

        Dim dmoRegServer

        On Error Resume Next

        Set dmoRegServer = dmoServerGroup.RegisteredServers(sServer)

        If Err.Number Then

            Set dmoRegServer = WScript.CreateObject("SQLDMO.RegisteredServer")

            With dmoRegServer

                .Name = sServer

                If sLogin = "" Then

                    .UseTrustedConnection = 1


                    .UseTrustedConnection = 0

                    .Login = sLogin

                    .Password = sPassword

                End If

            End With

            dmoServerGroup.RegisteredServers.Add dmoRegServer

        End If

        Set dmoRegServer = Nothing

    End Sub

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