Linked server

  • Hi,

    I have added a linked server and set the netname using

    sp_setnetname 'linkedserver','ip,port'..

    When I try to access the linked server It is throwing an error "Error 6: Specified SQL Server not found"


    I have created an Alias with the same ip,port and then

    sp_setnetname 'linkedserver', 'aliasname', Now it is working fine....

    Can anybody tell me what is the solution for this. I have to do it with sp_setnetname 'linkedserver','ip,port'  only



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  • Hey there

    I do alot of work with linked servers.   There are lots of minor things that can make everything not lets try to eliminate some of the easy ones...

    1) Network: Remote to your SQL Server box and open a DOS window.  At the DOS prompt, ping the server with the other SQL Server on it and see if you get a response.   If not, you may have a firewall or domain problem.  Opening up port 1433 will solve the problem.

    2) Permissions, make sure that the ID you are using to access the remote machine has permission to view the database on the other side.  

    3) Syntax: Try establishing the Linkserver in Enterprise Manager, and see if you can get it to work there

    Hope that this is of some help


  • One more thing.....

    Check your HOSTS file.    If your not going directly against an IP address, this can be an issue.

    The HOSTS file is found in the WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ directory

    Have fun


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