how to displays the procedures currently running at startup on sql sql server 2000 ?

  • how to displays the procedures currently running at startup on sql[solved]

  • Hi,

    I am not sure of your question.  Do you want to find the procedures run during startup or the procedures currently running?

    to Find the procedures run during startup, you can run this code against master database:

    select * from sysobjects where (OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'ExecIsStartup') = 1)

    To find the running processes you can execute (again against master db)

     Select * from sysprocesses

    if you need to find the test, you can try a system function fn_get_sql.  for this, you need to pass the sql_handle from sysprocesses.  the code syntax is:  select * from ::fn_get_sql(@handle)

    you can also try with profiler

    Hope this may help you 

    Prithiviraj Kulasingham

  • I was the solution,

    select * from sysobjects where (OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'ExecIsStartup') = 1)

    Thank a lot ........

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