August 29, 2005 at 9:41 am
Actualmente se posee una aplicacion que realiza una consulta a una base de datos que contiene mas de 30 millones de registros, la misma no responde en un determinado tiempo. La aplicacion maneja paginacion de registros y aun asi no responde a una determinada consulta
Necesito una opinion sobre que aplicacion o que metodo de paginacion puedo han comentado que SQL Reporting Services es muy bueno...que opinan??
Por favor ayudenme, de antemano quedo muy agradecido
Jorge Bustamante
Ing. de Sistemas
August 30, 2005 at 10:36 am
Hola, Jorge
No se si lo hayas notado, pero este es un foro en inglés, no en español. Es más fácil que te respondan tus dudas si escribes tus comentarios en inglés, voy a traducir tu comentario a ver si tenemos suerte.
De antemano te digo que tu pregunta es muy general y necesitas explicar más cuál es tu situación, por ejemplo, la consulta que quieres hacer ¿involucra a una o más tablas?, ¿cuál es el timeout que estas usando?, en cuando a paginación ¿te estas refiriendo al caché de reportes?, ¿cual es tu configuración de RS? y sobre todo, ¿exactamente que es lo que necesitas hacer? recuerda que mientras más describas tu situación, más gente podrá ayudarte
What Jorge said:
I have an application that executes a query to a DB with 30+ million rows wich doesn't respond in a determined amount of time. This application uses paging (cache) of the records and even then it doesn't respond to that query
I need an opinion about what application or what paging method (strategy) to use... I've heard comments that SQL Reporting Services is very good... what do you think?
Please help me, I thank you beforehand
Jorge Bustamante
Just in case you wondered / could help him (I already told him that he needed to explain himself more about this query he mentions and about other aspects of what he needs to be done with his application)
Mike Rod
August 30, 2005 at 4:07 pm
Jorge :
I have an application that executes a query to a DB with 30+ million rows in a chart (table) wich doesn't respond in a determined amount of time. This application uses paging (cache) of the records and even then it doesn't respond to that query
This application uses paging (cache) of the records with a timeout of 36000 msec.
I need an opinion about what application or what paging method (strategy) to use... I've heard comments that SQL Reporting Services is very good... what do you think?
Please help me, I thank you beforehand
Jorge Bustamante
August 30, 2005 at 6:35 pm
I'm literally afraid to ask why did you copy-paste my translation, so I won't
I've already asked you, but I'll post my questions again:
- This "query" that tooks so long, have you tried to execute it on, for example, Query Analizer? How much time does it takes?
- I'm not familiar with this "paging of the records", neither "caching of the records" did you mean report caching? is there such a thing as row caching or row paging?
- Have you tried to deploy and view an example or test report?
- What is your server setup? are all the components (RS, SQL server, IIS) on the same machine?
With all honesty you remind me of the time I was a flame troll back then in school, those were the times... but I'll behave, I promise I'll behave, I won't bite and I'll give you the benefit of doubt.
Good luck
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