Users Cannot Access DB

  • We have a 3rd party application which uses a SQL Server 2000 DB. I recently ported/replicated this application to a new server. Last week the user was having no problems with the application. Today, the user can't even log into the app (which uses SQL Server authorization). The user used to use sa; however, that isn't even working now. I also added this user's domain login account to the user list. User still can't log in. Being a SQL Server admin relative newbie, I'm not sure where to look next. Could this be a permssions problem somewhere?

    Oh, yes, I did use DTS to copy over some stored procedures; but other than that, nothing has changed from when the user could access the db.

  • Check if the users/login are still on the server. What's the server's authentication mode?

  • Mode is mixed. Not sure what you mean "if users/login are still on the server." No users are logged into that server right now.

  • When you transfer objects, you also transfer the logins by default, so the old ones might have been dropped.  Can't you login to the server yourself using the sa account?

  • Hi, I agree with Remi. The most possible cause is that while running DTS logins also get transferred which may have deleted your logins.

    Try setting up a new login, give access to the database and try login from query analyser. If it works then there is no problem with SQL Server.

    Next step should be to setup a new login and user account for usage through application. If this fails , your application may have a problem.

    Also, check if the setting of network library is matching on Client machine with Server. (Use Client Network utility at client machine and server network utility at srever machine)

    Hope this helps..


  • Problem resolved. Turned out to be another issue. Some how the contents of the entire DB got wiped. In any case, we had a recent backup from which everything was restored and we are now operating correctly.

    Many thanks to all for the help! I actually learned a great deal through this! I may become a SQL DBA yet!


  • Can you rerun the dts package and see if that's what whipped out the db in the first place?

  • I guess I could, but I wouldn't want to do so right now. It's the old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" thing.

  • You're not trying to fix it... maybe you'd be better off trying it as soons as you can without disrupting normal activities.

  • " ..... The user used to use sa ..... "

    I assume this isn't allowed anymore ?   The sa password should be secure & available to the DBA only

  • uh, ummm, well, when I can finally wrest the application away from the main user (who is also the application administrator since that is where the users for the app are actually managed rather than directly in SQL Server) again, I will do so.

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