How do I print table properties?

  • I'm sure this is a simple question but I have been asked to produce a printed list of table properties, (datatype, null, column names etc.) for all user tables in a database. Is there a stored procedure to do this or some other utility? Any help will be greatly appreciated...


  • A starter for 10 would be to generate scripts for all tables in the database to a text file.

    You can do this by right clicking the database and choosing generate SQL script.  Then choose Show All and choose tables.  Then choose OK and save the output to a text file.

    Not too sure whether thas what you want.

    Hope this helps




  • Carl

    Yes that will do the trick. Thanks!


  • You can create a diagram, this is more visual.

  • Thanks Markus for the suggestion..

  • You can also query the system tables depending on how you want to use it.  Visually a diagram is often more helpful, but this can be handy if you need a report or some such.

    You can put a loop around it to get the tables you need, and tailor the fields to retrieve just what you are looking for.


    Retrieves all the fields and datatype names from

    the specified owner and table.


    DECLARE @tableName varchar(100)

    DECLARE @ownerName varchar(50)

    SET @tableName = 'MyTable'

    SET @ownerName = 'dbo'

    SELECT sc.*, ty.[name] DataType FROM dbo.syscolumns sc

    JOIN dbo.sysobjects so ON sc.[id] = so.[id]

    JOIN dbo.systypes ty ON sc.xtype = ty.xtype

    JOIN dbo.sysusers su ON so.uid = su.uid

    WHERE so.[name] = @tableName

    AND su.[name] = @ownerName

    ORDER BY sc.[colid]

  • another way is to simply issue:

    sp_help '<tablename>' where <tablename is the name of your table.


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