June 4, 2004 at 1:57 am
I am writing a script to retrieve data records of MarinLif table. The problem is that i have a column MarinLif_Picture of type image so the insert is wrong in this way. How do i correct it? /*****MarinLIf TAble ********************/ DECLARE @ID INT DECLARE @typeID INT DECLARE @NAME NVARCHAR(50) Declare @scName nvarchar(50) Declare @distribution nvarchar(600) Declare @maxSize nvarchar(200) Declare @env nvarchar(200) Declare @climate nvarchar(200) Declare @country nvarchar(2000) Declare @desc nvarchar(4000) Declare @pic image DECLARE CURS CURSOR STATIC FOR SELECT MarinLIf_ID, MarinLIfTyp_ID,MarinLif_name, MarinLIf_ScName,MarinLIf_Distribution, MarinLIf_MaxSize,MarinLIf_Env,MarinLIf_climate,MarinLIf_Country,MarinLIf_Desc,MarinLIf_Pic FROM MarinLif OPEN CURS FETCH NEXT FROM CURS INTO @ID,@typeID,@NAME, @scName, @distribution, @maxSize, @env, @climate, @country, @desc, @pic PRINT 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT MarinLif ON' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'INSERT INTO MarinLif (MarinLIf_ID, MarinLIfTyp_ID,MarinLif_name, MarinLIf_ScName,MarinLIf_Distribution, MarinLIf_MaxSize,MarinLIf_Env,MarinLIf_climate,MarinLIf_Country,MarinLIf_Desc,MarinLIf_Pic) VALUES (' + convert(varchar,@ID) + ',' + convert(varchar,@typeID) + ',' + '''' + @NAME + '''' + + '''' + @scName + '''' + ',' + '''' + @distribution + '''' + ',' + '''' + @maxSize + '''' + ',' + '''' + @env + '''' + ',' + '''' + @climate + '''' + ',' + '''' + @country + '''' + ',' + '''' + @desc + '''' + ',' + '''' + @climate + '''' + ',' + '''' + @pic + '''' + ')' FETCH NEXT FROM CURS INTO @ID,@typeID,@NAME, @scName, @distribution, @maxSize, @env, @climate, @country, @desc, @pic END PRINT 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT MarinLif OFF' CLOSE CURS DEALLOCATE CURS |
June 4, 2004 at 2:25 am
use textptr and writetext functions to deal with image field.
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