run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' time out expired

  • Hi all ,

    I have problem with my application, when uploading picture into sql server 2000 my application showing error message ( Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' Time out expired ). This error appear after my technical team replace old server with the new server.


    old server running on windows server 2000 and sql server 2000

    new server running on windows server 2003 and sql server 2000

    In my case, this error appear only on office hour and my picture size above 20 kb , but when i trying after office hour and my picture size under 20 kb.. the error messages is not appear.

    Anyone know how to solve my problem? 🙂

  • rahma.andany (3/12/2014)

    Hi all ,

    I have problem with my application, when uploading picture into sql server 2000 my application showing error message ( Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' Time out expired ). This error appear after my technical team replace old server with the new server.


    old server running on windows server 2000 and sql server 2000

    new server running on windows server 2003 and sql server 2000

    In my case, this error appear only on office hour and my picture size above 20 kb , but when i trying after office hour and my picture size under 20 kb.. the error messages is not appear.

    Anyone know how to solve my problem? 🙂

    Hi and welcome to the forums. You didn't provide anywhere near enough details to offer anything resembling help here. The only thing we know is that your connection timed out. We don't know anything else. Sounds like maybe you have blocking on your sql server but it is hard to know for sure.


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  • Sean Lange (3/12/2014)

    rahma.andany (3/12/2014)

    Hi all ,

    I have problem with my application, when uploading picture into sql server 2000 my application showing error message ( Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' Time out expired ). This error appear after my technical team replace old server with the new server.


    old server running on windows server 2000 and sql server 2000

    new server running on windows server 2003 and sql server 2000

    In my case, this error appear only on office hour and my picture size above 20 kb , but when i trying after office hour and my picture size under 20 kb.. the error messages is not appear.

    Anyone know how to solve my problem? 🙂

    Hi and welcome to the forums. You didn't provide anywhere near enough details to offer anything resembling help here. The only thing we know is that your connection timed out. We don't know anything else. Sounds like maybe you have blocking on your sql server but it is hard to know for sure.

    Thanks for your response, i'm sorry if my information is not complete

    My application develop under vb 6 and here's my code to put picture in sql server 2000

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim RsFile, RsX As ADODB.Recordset

    Public FileID As String

    Dim FNum As Integer

    Private Sub Cmdexit_Click()

    Unload Me

    End Sub

    Private Sub Dir1_Change()

    File1.Path = Dir1.Path

    End Sub

    Private Sub Drive1_Change()

    Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive

    End Sub

    Private Sub File1_Click()

    TxFileName.Text = File1.FileName

    cmdImportADO.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim StrCn As String

    Dim a As String

    Set RsX = New ADODB.Recordset

    Set RsFile = New ADODB.Recordset

    TxFileName.Text = ""

    cmdImportADO.Enabled = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub CmdImportADO_Click()

    Dim fPath, fNama, fType As String

    Dim StrQ As String

    Dim xN As Byte

    Dim TmpData() As Byte

    Dim FSize As Long

    Dim RsX As ADODB.Recordset

    Load frmUpdPic

    a = frmUpdPic.dbcass.Value

    If File1.ListIndex >= 0 Then

    cmdImportADO.Enabled = False

    fNama = File1.FileName

    fPath = File1.Path

    If Right(fPath, 1) <> "\" Then

    fPath = fPath & "\"

    End If

    StrQ = "select COUNT(*) as N from fixasset_mtr Where picture1 ='" & File1.FileName & "'"

    Set RsX = New ADODB.Recordset

    RsX.Open StrQ, cnFin, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    xN = RsX!n


    'If xN = 0 Then

    StrQ = fPath & fNama

    Open StrQ For Binary As #1

    ReDim TmpData(LOF(1))

    Get #1, , TmpData

    Close #1

    StrQ = "select * from fixasset_mtr where Asset_no = '" + a + "'"

    '" & FileID & "'"

    Set RsX = New ADODB.Recordset

    RsX.Open StrQ, cnFin, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    If Not RsX.EOF Then

    RsX("picture1").Value = File1.FileName

    RsX("Picture").AppendChunk (TmpData)



    End If

    End If

    cmdExit.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    When i try to upload picture, sometime appear error in RsX.Update

    it sound like my code getting wrong, but this error not always appear.

    The error messages will appear when picture size above 20 kb and uploading picture on working time.

    Any idea?

  • Sean Lange (3/12/2014)

    rahma.andany (3/12/2014)

    Hi all ,

    I have problem with my application, when uploading picture into sql server 2000 my application showing error message ( Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)' Time out expired ). This error appear after my technical team replace old server with the new server.


    old server running on windows server 2000 and sql server 2000

    new server running on windows server 2003 and sql server 2000

    In my case, this error appear only on office hour and my picture size above 20 kb , but when i trying after office hour and my picture size under 20 kb.. the error messages is not appear 🙂

    Anyone know how to solve my problem? 🙂

    Hi and welcome to the forums. You didn't provide anywhere near enough details to offer anything resembling help here. The only thing we know is that your connection timed out. We don't know anything else. Sounds like maybe you have blocking on your sql server but it is hard to know for sure.

    Thank you for your response, I have found the source of this problem.

    This error occurs when my application try to put some picture and the SQL server failed to perform autogrow.

    i just need to change sql server setting for autogrow file from 10% to 10 Mb and this error messages is disappear.

  • Glad you got it figured out and thanks for letting me know.


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