Windows 2003 R2 Native backup for sql2000 tranaction log.

  • I have a client, who is hosting our database. I have limited access to anything other than our database.

    The SQL 2000 is running on Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise edition.

    The client is trying to backup the transaction log using the Windows Native backup utility.

    The Windows Native backup utility is not truncating the log, so the log is getting bigger and bigger.

    My advice to the client was to allow me to create backup plans and write to a network location, this way the log would get truncated. Their answer is no.

    I suggested a third party tool, and mentioned RedGate, Idera, and others. Again their response is no.

    So, I have little experience with the native backup utility in Windows.

    Can anyone suggest a way for the native utility to backup the log and truncate it?



  • AFAIK, the native Windows backup utility doesn't back up the SQL Server logs. You should use the SQL Server backup command (BACKUP LOG TO DISK) and then the Windows Backup utility can pick up that file.

  • Steve, thanks for the reply.

    That was my suspicion all along.


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