Need current week and previous week using Date parameter

  • Hi,

    I have the Date].[Year - Week - Date].[Week] hierarchy and now i want sales of previous week and current week for comparision based on date passed by the user. for Instance, if the date entered is 12/07 than it should calculate total sales of current week getting data uptil 07/07 and previous week 29/06. Can you please help?

  • Try and play with something like below.

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[YTD untill previous week] AS


    YTD(Parallelperiod([Date].[Calendar Weeks].[Calendar Week],1,[Date].[Calendar Weeks].[Calendar Week].&[10]&[2008])),

    [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]




    [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],

    [Measures].[YTD untill previous week]



    [Date].[Calendar Weeks].[Calendar Week].&[10]&[2008]


    FROM [Adventure Works]


    Of course for the sake of the exercice 10 is used. For reporting purpose you should use currentmember.

    Hope this helps. You can do this for weeks/days etc

  • Thank you but I have Date as a parameter so user can pass any date and based on it, I need to calculate current week and previous week? Can you suggest how to do that

  • When I have parameter set in the MDX query, how to test it in mquery analyser ..

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