Unable to connect to Database

  • Hi all, I have installed SQL Server 2005 express on my PC. I also installed a few sample databases like AdventureWorks. When I try to connect to this database it gives me a connection error and I am unable to connect. Can someone please advise me , If I am doing something wrong and how to fix this error ?



  • have you enabled remote connections? (from memory this defaults to off for express)

    and started SQL browser ?

  • Hi there, Thanks for ur reply. How do I enbale remote connections and start the SQL browser. I am sorry for my dumb questions but I am a newbie.

    Thanks again.

  • open sql server configuration manager.

    select sql server services.

    ensure SQL server is running.

    if you have instances then you will need to start sql browser (most likely you don't though)

    then check the network configuration protocols, and enable tcp/ip connections.

  • Thanks , SQL server configuration manager is in the control panel or is it somewhere else ?

  • it will be under programs -- > under sql 2005 --> configuration tools

  • Thanks, I will try this and will soon let you know how it goes.

  • I continue to get the same error. I have checked the services and can see an instance named VSS Writer started and running. I tried using this with the computer name as in XYZ-PC\VSS Writer to connect but I continue to get the same error. Please advise.



  • Since you are connecting on the same PC you do NOT need to enable remote connections.

    Please do not post the same question multiple times as it fragments answers. Here is the thread that I think everyone should post to, http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic1085565-149-1.aspx

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