Rewriting Stored Procedure from Cursor to SET-based

  • I'm not a developer but am tasked with rewriting a SP to be set-based.

    This particular goodie takes about 6 hours to finish, since the underlying tables are huge. (> 1 billion rows)

    I'd really appreciate help on this one.





    CREATE procedure [dbo].[stat_call] @in_date varchar(6) as

    declare @cmd0 varchar(8000)

    , @cmd1 varchar(8000)

    , @where varchar(500)

    , @region varchar(500)

    , @in_date_region varchar(8)

    , @cnt int

    , @cnt2 int

    , @ident int

    , @art varchar(2)

    , @d varchar(100)

    , @w_o varchar(100)

    , @bun varchar(100)

    , @circle varchar(100)

    , @jc-2 varchar(100)

    if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tf_kdu]'))


    create table tf_kdu ( in_date varchar(6)

    , region varchar(500)

    , artvarchar(2)

    , ident int

    , ident2 int

    , heading varchar(500)

    , group varchar(70)

    , device varchar(500)

    , Ins_BG float

    , Single_BGfloat

    , Allein_1float

    , Allein_2float

    , couple_1float

    , couple_2float

    , couple_3float

    , couple_4float

    , diversfloat

    , Ins_P float

    , P1 float

    , P2 float

    , P3 float

    , P4 float

    , P5 float

    , P6Plusfloat



    if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[parameters]'))


    create table parameters

    ( bm varchar(6)

    , region varchar(50)

    , art varchar(1)

    , aktiv smallint



    set @in_date_region = @in_date + '03'

    DECLARE my_cur_region CURSOR


    select substring(krs_schl1,1,5) + ' ' + krs_lang1 as knr

    , 1 as art

    from [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh1]

    , [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh2]

    , [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh3]

    where td_dwh2.mon1 = td_dwh1.mon1

    and td_dwh3.owk_id < 3

    and td_dwh3.krs_date <= td_dwh2.mon3

    and ( td_dwh3.krs_date2 is null

    or td_dwh3.krs_date2 >= td_dwh2.mon3)

    and td_dwh1.mon5 = cast(@in_date_region as int)


    select substring(str_1,1,5) + ' ' + str_2

    , 2 as art

    from [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh1]

    , [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh2]

    , [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh4]

    , [msi_dlp].[dbo].[td_dwh5]

    where td_dwh2.mon1 = td_dwh1.mon1

    and ( td_dwh4.str_dat11 is null

    or td_dwh4.str_dat11 >= td_dwh2.mon3)

    and td_dwh5.str_id = td_dwh4.str_id

    and td_dwh5.ort_dat11 <= td_dwh2.mon3

    and (td_dwh5.ort_dat22 is null

    or td_dwh5.ort_dat22 >= td_dwh2.mon3)

    and td_dwh1.mon5 = cast(@in_date_region as int)

    OPEN my_cur_region

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur_region

    INTO @region, @art



    insert into parameters values(@in_date,@region,@art ,0)

    if @art = 1 exec( 'STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3 @in_date = ''' + @in_date + '''

    , @d = ''''

    , @w_o = ''''

    , @bun = ''''

    , @circle = ''' + @region + '''

    , @jc-2 = ''''')

    else exec( 'STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3 @in_date = ''' + @in_date + '''

    , @d = ''''

    , @w_o = ''''

    , @bun = ''''

    , @circle = ''''

    , @jc-2 = ''' + @region + '''')

    FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur_region

    INTO @region, @art


    CLOSE my_cur_region

    DEALLOCATE my_cur_region

    update parameters set aktiv = 1 where bm = @in_date

  • it looks to me like the cursor is calling a stored procedure [STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3] for each row;

    to change this to a set base, wer would need to see the defintiino of that procedure; we cannot tell what it might be doing so far.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell (5/22/2012)

    it looks to me like the cursor is calling a stored procedure [STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3] for each row;

    to change this to a set base, wer would need to see the defintiino of that procedure; we cannot tell what it might be doing so far.


    I just checked and I hesitate to answer, but that particular SP is 9000 rows long, itself full of cursors, while loops and so forth. I guess it would take days to go through it.

    Thanks for your help though, but I guess that's more than could be done on a forum.

  • kwe477 (5/22/2012)

    Lowell (5/22/2012)

    it looks to me like the cursor is calling a stored procedure [STAT_LK.dbo.stat_v3] for each row;

    to change this to a set base, wer would need to see the defintiino of that procedure; we cannot tell what it might be doing so far.


    I just checked and I hesitate to answer, but that particular SP is 9000 rows long, itself full of cursors, while loops and so forth. I guess it would take days to go through it.

    Thanks for your help though, but I guess that's more than could be done on a forum.

    You may want to start documenting that monster SP so that you can get a handle on what it is doing. You may need to hire an outside consultant to work on rewriting the SP as you may not have the time dependin on what other duties you need to accomplish.

    Also, how critical is it for you to modify these procedures. Is it causing issues with your system or is it a nice to do opportunity that could have benefits by improving performance.

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