Renaming SQL SERVER.

  • Hi,

    i would like to Rename my sql server due to some requirement(DB mirroring).

    why becoz we took the Image(image name is XYZ ) from client as it is installed in my VMware. after that changed the SID , Rename the server like ABC & added this server in Domain.

    when i login the sql server. run the query 'select @@servername'.

    iam getting result like XYZ.

    why it is not giving ABC ?.

    present server detials are:

    windows server 2003 std & SQL server 2005 EE

    so i want to change my sql server name like ABC.

    through sp_dropserver & sp_add server.

    whether the problem will be resolved or not?

    any suggetions in this, plz let me know.



    might be of some help.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

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