How tracing a SSAS 2005 cube processing

  • Hi.

    I have implemented a SSAS 2005 cube. Sometimes, during his processing a deadlock error occurs.

    I want to capture the related info with the SQL Profiler, but which events or trace templates can I use?


  • This sounds like a homework question... but...

    In your cube processing you are likely executing regular sql queries against underlying relational tables to compute aggregates, etc for the cube. So you are going to want to run a trace on the underlying database, not on the analysis server db, and you are going to want to capture events Lock:Deadlock and Lock:Deadlock Chain at the very least. I'd also capture events Prepare SQL, SQL:BatchCompleted, and SQL:BatchStarting.

    You can also retrieve deadlock graphs through sql server extended events, read about it here -

  • Hi.

    I have traced the database of the DWH underlying the cube and any deadlock event (lock:deadlock, lock:deadlock chain) has been captured! In the job history I can see this error "Code: 0xC11D0005 ... Transaction errors: The lock operation ended unsuccessfully because of deadlock". In my trace I have registered events about TSQL (SQL:BatchCompleted, SQL:StmtCompleted).

    I have used a SSIS pkg to execute a full process cube after a process update for the dimensions.

    What do I trace with the profiler? The undelying SQL database or the SSAS 2005 cube? Which right events do I select for the trace?

    Do I activate any trace flags to capture the deadlock events?

    Any helps for me, please? Many thanks

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