How to dynamically excel files to database table

  • Hello,

    I have hundred excel file to load to database table: Name. Here is template 1. Get id number from the excel 1 for example: id = 12 then

    run query to get name: Jean: select name from tableOne where id = 12, name = Jean, then fill the excel template 1 to template 2

    template 1

    id name time term test

    1 1 0

    2 2 0

    3 3 0

    4 4 0

    5 5 0

    6 6 0

    7 7 0

    8 8 0

    9 8 0

    10 11 0

    11 11 0

    12 12 0

    excel 1










    template 2

    id name time term test

    12 Jean 1 1 0

    12 Jean 2 2 0

    12 Jean 3 3 0

    12 Jean 4 4 0

    12 Jean 5 5 0

    12 Jean 6 6 0

    12 Jean 7 7 0

    12 Jean 8 8 0

    12 Jean 9 8 0

    12 Jean 10 11 0

    12 Jean 11 11 0

    then delete table name where id = 12, then load template 2 to name table.

    Is there any way to complish it?

    Thank you very much!

  • I don't really understand what you're trying to do.

    can you explain more..

  • Thanks. First step, I have several hundreds id number, query each id to get name and then make hundreds excel based on each id and name

    time term test id name

    1 1 0

    2 2 0

    3 3 0

    4 4 0

    5 5 0

    6 6 0

    7 7 0

    8 8 0

    9 8 0

    10 11 0

    11 11 0

    12 12 0

    Do you have detail example or code to do it more fast and effciently to make hundreds of excel files?

    Thank you very much!

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