Testing SSIS package

  • Hello,

    Can anyone tell me step-by-step as how to test a SSIS package? I have already created the package. I need to test it now before putting it on the server.

    Can anyone help me with this?



  • I too am searching how to test a SSIS package and what parameters need to be considered while testing SSIS package.

    I got few answers which i mentioned below,but that really didnt solve my problem.

    1 Verify all the tables have been imported.

    2 Verify all the rows in each table have been imported.

    3 Verify all the columns specified in source query for each table have been imported

    4 Verify all the data has been received without any truncation for each column.

    5 Verify the schema at source and destination

    6 Verify the time taken /speed for data transfer

    7 Fields truncated due to difference in length of the field at destination.

    Can someone help showing how to test an SSIS package with some examples

  • This might be an oversimplification, but I usually test SSIS packages by running them in BIDS and see if everything becomes green 🙂

    After that, I check if the output is the one I desire it to be (this entails most of the bullet points listed by vishnubhotla.uday). I do this usually with a small subset of the data.

    If the package runs too long, I'll try to optimize it.

    For some packages, for example those who import Excel files, I deliberately insert some errors in the excel file to see what the packages does and to see if event handlers work correctly.

    Furthermore I check if everything is logged correctly.

    Then I deploy the package to a test serverm,so I can see if it still runs when the environment has changed (this is a check for package configurations).

    If you have conditional logic in your package, you should try to execute all branches of the control flow.

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  • I often test the steps by running them one at a time. In the BIDS environment, simply right click and choose Execute Task. If something goes wrong, I look at the progress tab to see what the issue might be.

    If I want to test several steps, I'll disable all the ones I'm not testing and then hit run.

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