SQL Job Info

  • Hello Everyone

    I am attempting to write a query that gathers all the info about all the SQL jobs on each instance. I have most of the query, but I cannot seem to find where the information that is shown in the Job Schedule properties is located. Things like "Frequency", "Daily Frequency", etc....

    Can someone give me some advice on this?


    Andrew SQLDBA

  • msdb..sysschedules ?

  • sysschedules

    It begins by taking the first step.

  • That tell me the next time the job will be fired off, it does not tell me the frequency. Such as "Every 15 Minutes"

    Is this done by a calculation?

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • Looks to me it has what you need (But I've been wrong before :-P)

    frequency is: freq_subday_interval, int

    "Number of freq_subday_type periods to occur between each execution of the job."

    From BOL:


  • AndrewSQLDBA (10/7/2010)

    That tell me the next time the job will be fired off, it does not tell me the frequency. Such as "Every 15 Minutes"

    Is this done by a calculation?

    Andrew SQLDBA

    Yes..here is a query I wrote for a specific purpose to pull all scheduled times a job will run during a certain window, as long as the job is scheduled to run Daily (either once, or every X minutes/hours). You can see the underlying tables/etc (in combination with BOL) there and modify it to your needs.

    DECLARE @CheckStart datetime

    DECLARE @CheckEnd datetime

    SET @CheckStart = '2010-09-30 00:00:00'

    SET @CheckEnd = '2010-09-30 23:59:59'

    DECLARE @jobruntimes TABLE ( name nvarchar(400), start_time datetime )

    DECLARE @JobList TABLE (

    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1),

    [job_name] [sysname] NOT NULL,

    [schedule_name] [sysname] NOT NULL,

    [freq_type] [int] NOT NULL,

    [freq_interval] [int] NOT NULL,

    [freq_subday_type] [int] NOT NULL,

    [freq_subday_interval] [int] NOT NULL,

    [active_start_date] [int] NOT NULL,

    [active_start_time] [int] NOT NULL


    INSERT INTO @JobList (


    , schedule_name

    , freq_type

    , freq_interval

    , freq_subday_type

    , freq_subday_interval

    , active_start_date

    , active_start_time


    SELECT sj.name as job_name

    , ss.name as schedule_name

    , freq_type

    , freq_interval

    , freq_subday_type

    , freq_subday_interval

    , active_start_date

    , active_start_time

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules sjs ON sjs.job_id = sj.job_id

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysschedules ss ON ss.schedule_id = sjs.schedule_id


    sj.enabled = 1 -- Job Enabled

    AND ss.enabled = 1 -- Schedule Enabled

    AND freq_type in (1,4) -- Only jobs that run Once or Daily

    declare @id int

    declare @jobname nvarchar(400)

    declare @schedulename nvarchar(100)

    declare @freqsubdaytype int

    declare @freqsubdayinterval int

    declare @activestartdate bigint

    declare @activestarttime bigint

    declare @lastiteration datetime


    SELECT ID, job_name, schedule_name, freq_subday_type, freq_subday_interval, active_start_date, active_start_time FROM @JobList

    OPEN GetTimes

    FETCH NEXT FROM GetTimes into @id, @jobname, @schedulename, @freqsubdaytype, @freqsubdayinterval, @activestartdate, @activestarttime



    IF @freqsubdaytype = 1


    SET @LastIteration = convert(datetime,

    LEFT(convert(varchar, @checkstart, 126),10) + ' ' +





    INSERT INTO @jobruntimes

    SELECT @jobname,@LastIteration


    IF @freqsubdaytype = 4


    SET @lastiteration = (SELECT convert(datetime,

    LEFT(convert(varchar, @checkstart-1, 126),10) + ' ' +





    WHILE @lastiteration <= @CheckEnd


    INSERT INTO @jobruntimes

    SELECT @jobname, @lastiteration

    SET @lastiteration = dateadd(mi,@freqsubdayinterval,@lastiteration)



    FETCH NEXT FROM GetTimes into @id, @jobname, @schedulename, @freqsubdaytype, @freqsubdayinterval, @activestartdate, @activestarttime


    CLOSE GetTimes

    Deallocate GetTimes

    select * from @jobruntimes

    WHERE start_time BETWEEN @CheckStart AND @CheckEnd

    ORDER BY start_time asc

  • The information is in sysschedules table. You can get this information from the documentation about freq_subday_type and freq_subday_interval in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms366342.aspx

    Edit: ah already answered with a script that I'll save into my utilities folder 🙂

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