Log for master packages and child packages

  • I setup a master pacakge , all it does is to call about 8 child pacakges.

    For each pacakge I setup a log.

    I found out it seems the parent log includes all the logs of child package, is it correct? I see parent package has biggest file size.

    If so, is it duplicate the information, what is the best practice to set up logs for packages that has master pacakge and child package?


  • Hi,

    In my idea, the best way is to roll your own logging solution, such in that example:


    we do something similar to that in my job,but more advanced, so we can run some ETL reports and stats on it.

  • In the Master package, set 'Disable EventHandlers' property to 'True'. so it stops tracking the logs in Master Package.Now you'll get only the logs of child packages as you set to track logs in each child package.

    http://msbimentalist.wordpress.com 🙂

  • sunilreddy (1/23/2012)

    In the Master package, set 'Disable EventHandlers' property to 'True'. so it stops tracking the logs in Master Package.Now you'll get only the logs of child packages as you set to track logs in each child package.

    Thanks all.

    But if I disable eventHandlers property, will it stops to track any log in master log file, what I would like it at least log the step that calls each package?


  • yeah, if you disable the property for that child package, it stops tracking in Master log file and you'll get log details of child package as enabled it in child package.

    http://msbimentalist.wordpress.com 🙂

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