Select with unknown where

  • My app have search function to search Customers. Criteria are : Firstname, Lastname and status.

    The seach can be done on one criteria, 2 criteria or all 3.

    My problem is I don't know how to write a stored proc to support this. If fact, there is 7 possibilities.

    Where FirstName = @Firstname


    Where LastName = @LastName


    Where status = @status


    Where FirstName = @Firstname AND Lastname = @LastName


    Where FirstName = @Firstname AND Status = @status


    Where LastName = @Lastname AND status = @status


    Where FirstName = @Firstname AND Lastname = @LastName AND status = @status

    Do I have to write 7 different stored proc. Look to me difficult to maintain, imagine if there is 4 criteria instead of 3 I will have to write 21 stored proc for the search fonctionnality?

    What's the best approach for this situation?

    thank you


  • I had faced this problem earlier. I managed this in my front end. i created dynamic sql and then ran that sql.

    Pradeep Singh

  • Yup front end is the way to go for these kind of things.

    * Noel

  • I've done this before using LIKE and '%'

    exec mySP @FirstName, @Lastname, @status

    within the stored procedure

    set @Firstname = @Firstname + '%'

    set @LastName = @LastName + '%'

    set @status = @status + '%'

    select * from myTable

    Where FirstName LIKE @Firstname

    AND Lastname LIKE @LastName

    AND status LIKE @status

    The front end can send a zero length character string and the sp works.

    Living in Paradise: N 34°16'07.99" W 119°12'17.58"

  • If Dynamic SQL isn't an option, you can also use something like this:


    (@FirstName IS NULL OR FirstName LIKE @Firstname)

    AND (@Lastname IS NULL OR Lastname LIKE @LastName)

    AND (@Status IS NULL OR status LIKE @status)

    There can be execution plan problems with that approach though.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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