Locating All Columns

  • Hello Everyone

    When one knows that a column in a table has FK Constraint, how can I easily determine all the tables that are involved?

    What is the columns in the other tables are not named the same as what is in the parent table?

    How can I determine all the table names, and all the column names in each table that are part of a Key Constraint.

    Thanks in advance

    Andrew SQLDBA

  • andrew sysforeignkeys can get you all the relationships, but it's all integers in there; you have to use some functions to get the data out where it's human-readable.

    for example, if you have a specific column name in mind, you could use this to shed some light:


    object_name(constid) as FKname,

    object_name(fkeyid) as ChildTable,

    col_name(fkeyid,fkey) as ChildColumn,

    object_name(rkeyid) as ChildTable,

    col_name(rkeyid,rkey) as ChildColumn

    from sysforeignkeys

    where col_name(fkeyid,fkey) = 'MyColumn'

    or col_name(rkeyid,rkey) = 'MyColumn'


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  • On similar lines of Lowell:

    Try this:


    o1.name as Referencing_Object_name

    , c1.name as referencing_column_Name

    , o2.name as Referenced_Object_name

    , c2.name as Referenced_Column_Name

    , s.name as Constraint_name

    from sysforeignkeys fk

    inner join sysobjects o1 on fk.fkeyid = o1.id

    inner join sysobjects o2 on fk.rkeyid = o2.id

    inner join syscolumns c1 on c1.id = o1.id and c1.colid = fk.fkey

    inner join syscolumns c2 on c2.id = o2.id and c2.colid = fk.rkey

    inner join sysobjects s on fk.constid = s.id

    and o2.name='tablename' -- this predicate for a specific table

  • I have an excellent script for that. I also have a blog post explaining the workings of the script.

    Check it out at:


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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