How to get last hour records using GMT time....

  • Hi All,

    I want to display records for past hour using GMT time... I'm currently using the below syntax to get previous hour records.But I dont want to define any value..Can anyone help me on this??

    DateAdd (hh, -12, getdate())

    -12 hours for Summer and -11 hours for Winter

  • Look at the function GETUTCDATE() for example




    2011-11-29 00:03:56.0002011-11-28 19:03:56.003

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  • Thanks for your reply.

    I applied below syntax to get the result:

    dateAdd(hour,(datediff(hour, getdate(),getutcdate())-1), getdate())

    I also wanted to get UTC today's midnight datetime ...How do i get that??

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