T-Sql Problem

  • All,

    Please help. I have the following SP and it is really behaving strangely. I want it to give me one row per employee and it does the first employee correctly but not the rest.



    declare @segment1 decimal(10,2)

    declare @segment2 decimal(10,2)

    declare @clockinDay datetime

    declare @clockinLunch datetime

    declare @clockoutLunch datetime

    declare @clockoutDay datetime

    declare @workingEmpID int

    declare @timeEntryID int

    declare @timeEntry datetime

    declare @timeEntryType nvarchar(50)

    declare @empName nvarchar(50)

    declare @empID int

    declare @totalHrs decimal(10,2)

    declare @startDate as DateTime

    declare @endDate as DateTime

    set @startDate = '03/15/2010'

    set @endDate = '03/16/2010'

    create table #tmpWorkingHours


    [EmpName] nvarchar(50) NULL,

    [EmpID] [int] NULL,

    [TotalHours] decimal(10,2) NULL,

    [StartDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [EndDate] [datetime] NULL


    set @workingEmpID = 1

    set @segment1 = 0.00

    set @segment2 = 0.00

    set @totalHrs = 0.00

    declare #punches cursor for

    select TimeEntryID, ClockInDay, ClockOutLunch, ClockInLunch, ClockOutDay, p.EmpID, EmpName

    --, DatePart(hour, timeentry) as xhour, DatePart(minute, timeentry) as xminutes

    from Punch p

    inner join Employee e on p.EmpID = e.EmpID

    where DatePart(dayofyear, ClockInDay) >= DatePart(dayofyear, @startDate)

    and DatePart(dayofyear, ClockInDay) <= DatePart(dayofyear, @endDate)

    group by DatePart(day, ClockInDay), TimeEntryID, ClockInDay, ClockOutLunch, ClockInLunch, ClockOutDay, p.EmpID, EmpName

    order by EmpID

    open #punches

    Fetch Next from #punches into @timeEntryID, @clockInDay, @clockOutLunch, @clockInLunch, @clockOutDay , @empID, @empName

    set @workingEmpID = @empID

    while (@@Fetch_Status = 0)


    while @workingEmpID = @empID and @@Fetch_Status = 0


    set @segment1 = case

    when (DateDiff(minute, @clockInDay, isnull(@clockOutLunch,@clockInDay))/60) = 0

    THEN DateDiff(minute, @clockInDay, isnull(@clockOutLunch, @clockInDay))*.01

    when (DateDiff(minute, @clockInDay, isnull(@clockOutLunch,@clockInDay))/60) != 0

    THEN (DateDiff(minute, @clockInDay, isnull(@clockOutLunch, @clockInDay))/60)


    set @segment2 = (DateDiff(minute, isnull(@clockinLunch, @clockInDay), @clockoutDay)/60)

    set @totalHrs = ((@segment1 + @segment2))

    set @segment1 = 0.00

    set @segment2 = 0.00

    INSERT INTO #tmpWorkingHours




    Fetch Next from #punches into @timeEntryID, @clockInDay, @clockOutLunch, @clockInLunch, @clockOutDay , @empID, @empName


    set @workingEmpID = @empID

    set @totalHrs = 0.00


    close #punches

    deallocate #punches

    select EmpID, EmpName, StartDate, EndDate, TotalHours as dayHrs, sum(TotalHours) as TotalHours

    from #tmpWorkingHours group by EmpID, EmpName, StartDate, EndDate, TotalHours

    drop table #tmpWorkingHours


    USE [TimeTracker]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Punch] Script Date: 03/16/2010 13:13:43 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Punch](

    [TimeEntryID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ClockInDay] [datetime] NULL,

    [ClockOutLunch] [datetime] NULL,

    [ClockInLunch] [datetime] NULL,

    [ClockOutDay] [datetime] NULL,

    [EmpID] [int] NULL,



    [TimeEntryID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    USE [TimeTracker]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Employee] Script Date: 03/16/2010 13:14:14 ******/





    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee](

    [EmpID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [EmpName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [EmpAddress] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [EmpAddress2] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [EmpCity] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [EmpState] [nvarchar](2) NULL,

    [EmpZip] [nvarchar](5) NULL,

    [EmpHomePhone] [nvarchar](14) NULL,

    [EmpCellPhone] [nvarchar](14) NULL,

    [EmpEmail] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [VacDaysPerYear] [int] NULL,

    [PersonalDaysPerYear] [int] NULL,



    [EmpID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Employee]




    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Employee]




    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Employee]




    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Employee]




    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Employee]




    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


    INSERT INTO [TimeTracker].[dbo].[Punch]







    ('3/16/2010 8:21:38 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 11:21:49 AM'

    ,'3/16/2010 12:22:05 PM'

    ,'3/16/2010 6:38:26 PM'


  • group by EmpID, EmpName, StartDate, EndDate, TotalHours

    This is just a snapshot answer, but if you only expect one row per employee, I would expect to see a group by EmpID ONLY, or at worst a group by EmpID, EmpName.

    That said, let me compliment you on a beautiful job of setting up the problem with scripts. I'll be back when I've had a chance to run them.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Yes that is what I would expect as well but when I do that I get the following error.

    Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 34

    Column 'Punch.TimeEntryID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    Only way that I have found to clear it is to add all of the select fields to the Group By, which makes no sense to me.

  • Odd....

    Here are the results I'm getting with your test data. Looks like one row per employee to me, with this data.

    What are you expecting your results to look like?

    [font="Courier New"]EmpID EmpNameStartDate EndDate dayHrs TotalHours

    1 John2010-03-15 00:00:00.0002010-03-16 00:00:00.0009.00 36.00

    2 Tom2010-03-15 00:00:00.0002010-03-16 00:00:00.0009.00 18.00

    3 Dick2010-03-15 00:00:00.0002010-03-16 00:00:00.0009.00 36.00

    4 Harry2010-03-15 00:00:00.0002010-03-16 00:00:00.0009.00 18.00[/font]


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • **Many explatives**

    It seems like I had a data problem, program testing probably. Deleted everything and inserted from my post inserts and it is working.

    Thanks I would have spent days on this before I looked at the data.

  • Why do you need to run a cursor for what you're trying to do?

    Wouldn't it be easier to do it set based? As a start something like

    SELECT empid,


    WHEN (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, clockInDay, ISNULL(clockOutLunch,clockInDay))/60) = 0

    THEN DATEDIFF(MINUTE, clockInDay, ISNULL(clockOutLunch, clockInDay))*.01

    ELSE (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, clockInDay, ISNULL(clockOutLunch, clockInDay))/60)


    + (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, ISNULL(clockinLunch, clockInDay), clockoutDay)/60)

    ) AS TotalHours

    FROM punch

    WHERE ClockInDay >='20100315'

    AND ClockInDay <DATEADD(dd,1,'20100316')

    GROUP BY empid

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  • I echo Lutz' question.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • I guess to be frank, I am a newbie and don't really know any better. I have learned this all by myself so it is the best I can do at this point in time. That said, I am always open to learning so feel free to guide me into better T-SQL programming, I am all ears.

  • What type of guidance do you ask for?

    The kind of "Follow that path over there until you reach a crossroad at the hill. Then take a left because if you'd go to the right then you'll end up in a swamp".

    Or more like "Take a seat, close your eyes and I'll wake you up when we get there?"

    It is not my intention to sound offensive in any way! If so, I apologize.

    It's just to learn about your expectation.

    If it's the former then we'll (I'll) give you some directions including the why and how, you give it a try, figure out how it works, adapt it to your situation and get back here if you get stuck.

    If it's the latter then we'll (I'll) (just) give you a tested solution.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Frankly, it's always a pleasure to hear someone just admit that they are new to SQL and open to learning.

    If you keep looking at articles in SSC, you will hear us talking about set-based programming rather than procedural programming. Procedural code is very step-by-step: (1) retrieve a row, (2) populate some variables, (3) do some calculations, store totals in the variables, etc (4) write the results out somewhere else.

    While most languages work best that way, T-SQL does not. In SQL, the most efficient way to do something is usually to do it to an entire set of data at a time. For example the following code produces the total monthly sales of every item in inventory that sold in the month of January.

    SELECT ItemNo, SUM(SalesAmount) as TotalSalesAmount

    FROM SalesHistory

    WHERE SalesDate >= '1/1/2010' and SalesDate < '2/1/2010'

    GROUP BY ItemNo

    ORDER BY TotalSalesAmount DESC

    Game over. The code above does not read a row at a time, doesn't assign values to variables, doesn't require a loop to take totals and reset for each new ItemNo. The database just handles all that for the developer. It's sort of like an automatic transmission on a car. But the important thing is that left to it's own devices the set-based code runs much faster than row-at-a-time procedural code.

    Take Lutz up on his offer. He knows what he's talking about. Getting started early learning how to think in terms of set-based coding will pay you HUGE dividends in your production environment.

    Good luck 🙂


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • I am much more inclined to the 'Show me the path and let me figure it out' method. So fire away.

  • Thanks, I will bang away on my SP and see if I can't make it more set friendly.


  • The Dixie Flatline (3/16/2010)


    Take Lutz up on his offer. He knows what he's talking about. ...

    :blush: May I quote you when talking to my boss next time about a wage rise?

    Really appreciate the compliment! :blush:


    If you hang around on this forum for a while you might notice that this is not really a forum. It's a community. Most of us have one thing in common: we don't consider using SQL just being part of our job. We consider it being a passion.

    So: Welcome aboard! And we hope we'll be able to show you how much fun it is dealing with SQL Server hoping it becomes a passion for you, too!! Right, Bob?

    Side note: this site is one of the (if not THE) most professional site for SQL stuff. Please forgive us, if we don't stay focussed all the time. That's the community part of it... 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Thanks. If any of you get stuck with C# I can help out. 🙂

  • john-902052 (3/16/2010)

    Thanks. If any of you get stuck with C# I can help out. 🙂

    And there you go - that is exactly why we call this a community and not a forum. Welcome aboard...:hehe:

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