Perfomance Tuning

  • Hi,

    I like to know what are all the best practise to optimise the cube. what are all steps to be taken care .

    Thanks in Advance!


  • Hi,

    Please follow the url

    Hope this helps.

    Raunak J

  • Hi SSC,

    Thanks for quick response. but that material looks very vast but i need Crisp and short notes kind of information.

    sorry for asking such a silly kind of questions. but i will continue reading the link .

    please provide me short and crisp answer or some points to follow to optimise the cube.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Sabarinathan,

    (Assuming you want to optimize the querying experience) In short, you need to ensure you have:

    - attribute relationships set up correctly in your dimensions

    - partitioning where appropriate

    - aggregations on partitions where appropriate

    I know this may sound harsh but optimization of cubes is not exactly something that you can boil down into 3 bullet points - unless of course, you actually already knew the details behind each point which would then mean you probably wouldn't ask the question.

    Your best bet is to read through the performance guide and then relate it's recommendations to the problems you're experiencing.



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