Decrypting SQL query performance

  • hi

    I have encrypted values in table which represent

    account so..




    If my client comes to me with 50,000 non-encryped account numbers.What is the best way (performance wise) to retreive

    the unique identifier value?

    I have tried a udf. But this seems slow

    Create Function getEncryptedValue

    (@EncryptedCol varchar(50))


    select @UID = UID

    from EncryptedTable

    where convert(varchar,DecryptByPassPhrase('Password',EncryptedCol)) = @EncryptedCol



    Any ideas how to speed this up as currently too slow? (2 secs to process a record)

  • There are a few expections , but as a rule of thumb , never use functions on the columnar side of a comparision. SQLServer has to scan each row, process the function , then compare.

    This is called 'sargability' , google that phrase and you should find some good content.

    so your code ...

    select @UID = UID

    from EncryptedTable

    where convert(varchar,DecryptByPassPhrase('Password',EncryptedCol)) = @EncryptedCol

    should be

    select @UID = UID

    from EncryptedTable

    where EncryptedCol = convert(varchar,EncryptByPassPhrase('Password',@Password))

    Then , if you have and index on EncryptedCol it can be used.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • hi,

    i get the 'sargability' issue. Thanks for the tip. But surely if I put encryptByPassphrase into my where clause this function generates a different result every time. Hence won't return (match) anything?

  • You could try a computed column with an index then, there are a few hoops you have to jump through though

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

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