Passing User Parameter to Execute SQL Task

  • I have created a User variable (varMaxDate) that simply holds the maximum date from a SQL table. I have an Execute SQL Task created that pulls that data from the DB and assigns it to that varMaxDate variable. What I would like to do is use that varMaxDate variable within the WHERE clause of another SQL query. Within the second Execute SQL Task I added the following expression for the SQLStatementSource property: "select * from Person.Contact WHERE (ModifiedDate >= " + (DT_WSTR,50) @[User::varMaxDate]

    My first task runs fine and I see the value changing in the varMaxDate variable when debugging. However, the second task fails and throws this error:

    [Execute SQL Task] Error:

    Executing the query "select * from Person.Contact WHERE (ModifiedDate >..."

    failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near '4'.". Possible failure reasons:

    Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly,

    or connection not established correctly.

    What is the proper way to accomplish this simple task?

  • In the next EXEC SQL task you simply use the placeholder ? and then use the parameter mapping to say that that variable IS the ?


  • So here is what I have now:

    SQL Statement from Execute SQL Task 2:

    select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >= ?

    Parameter Mapping from SQL Task 2:

    Variable Name: User::varMaxDate

    Direction: Input

    Data Type: DBTIMESTAMP

    Parameter Name: ?

    Paramter Size: -1

    Throwing this error now:

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >=..." failed

    with the following error: "Invalid time format". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet"

    property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    My varMaxDate variable is of type DateTime. When I change the parameter mapping in the second Execute SQL Task mapping I get these associated errors:



    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >=..."

    failed with the following error: "Invalid time format". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query,

    "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.


    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >=..."

    failed with the following error: "Unsupported data type on parameter binding 0.". Possible failure reasons:

    Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection

    not established correctly.


    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >=..."

    failed with the following error: "Unsupported data type on parameter binding 0.". Possible failure reasons:

    Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection

    not established correctly.

  • Can anyone help me out with the data type issue that I explained earlier?

  • porcrim (6/8/2011)

    Can anyone help me out with the data type issue that I explained earlier?

    what's the data type for your variable: varMaxDate

  • varMaxDate is of type DateTime. I have tried setting the parameter mapping to the following data types:





  • porcrim (6/8/2011)

    varMaxDate is of type DateTime. I have tried setting the parameter mapping to the following data types:





    Try setting up the second Execute SQL Task #2 as follows...


    SQL Source Type: Direct

    SQL Statement: select * from Person.Contact WHERE ModifiedDate >= ?

    Parameter Mapping

    Variable Name: User::varMaxDate

    Direction: Input

    Data Type: Date

    Parameter Name: 0 (zero, not the letter)

    Also, you may want to confirm the scope of your variable (User::varMaxDate) and use breakpoints to monitor the value.

  • That worked. I had a second Execute SQL task in there configured that way but it wasn't working until I deleted that task and recreated it. Thanks for your help.

  • porcrim (6/9/2011)

    That worked. I had a second Execute SQL task in there configured that way but it wasn't working until I deleted that task and recreated it. Thanks for your help.

    awesome - glad you got it working.

    i too have been in situations were simply deleting the component, adding it back, and configuring from scratch has appeared to be the solution.

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