Showing Dependancies for Views

  • I know Redgate do a SQL dependancy checker but it doesn't seem to look at views. An appication we have seems to rely heavily on nested views, lots of them. I need a quick way of assesing which ones they are, any ideas ?

  • configure profiler with appropriate filter and then run it in background while doing your activity on your application.

    you will get the view names in profiler.


  • I have alreasy done that but it doesn't really lend itself tom easily identifying the ones with most nests. There is hundreds of views.

  • give it to developer who designed the application..


  • Ashish, thanks for your help but it misses what I want to do.

    I want to find and document the poorly written views and then tell the developers to fix them

  • Actually there is nothing predefined steps which you need to follow in such excersie(so far I am aware) but you can very well use tools like dbdesc.

    For more information on this...please have a look of


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