January 28, 2010 at 7:56 am
I can not find the error in the following little query. please help !!
DECLARE @doc nvarchar (1000)
DECLARE @wholeFileName varchar(200)
set @wholeFileName='\\myPath\myFile.xml';
exec( 'SET ''' + @doc + ''' = (
SELECT convert(xml, BulkColumn, 2)FROM OPENROWSET (
BULK '''+ @wholeFileName +''' ,SINGLE_BLOB
) AS xmldata )
' ) ;
set @docXML=convert(xml, @doc );
January 28, 2010 at 8:38 am
You're not doing anything with the @doc variable; so even with SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL turned off you're getting:
SET '' = ( SELECT convert(xml, BulkColumn, 2)
FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK 'C:\Single.xml' ,SINGLE_BLOB ) AS xmldata )
(with it ON you'll just get NULL)
which obviously won't work. I would always use a variable to hold the dynamic sql - that way you can print or select it to see what you've actually built.
February 2, 2010 at 6:37 pm
thanks, here is my final version, it's working perfectly !
DECLARE @wholeFileName varchar(200)
DECLARE @PathFileName varchar(200)
DECLARE @FName varchar(30)
DECLARE @RowCnt int
DECLARE @MaxRows int
SET @PathFileName ='\\my_path\'
DECLARE @tabfileNames TABLE ( rownum int IDENTITY (1, 1) Primary key NOT NULL, FName varchar(100) )
INSERT INTO @tabfileNames
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir \\my_path\*.xml/b'
SELECT @MaxRows=count(*) from @tabfileNames
SELECT @RowCnt = 1
WHILE @RowCnt <= @MaxRows
SELECT @FName = FName FROM @tabfileNames WHERE rownum = @RowCnt
SET @wholeFileName=@PathFileName + @FName;
exec('DECLARE @doc xml SET @doc = (
SELECT convert(xml, BulkColumn, 2)FROM OPENROWSET (
BULK ''' + @wholeFileName +''' ,SINGLE_BLOB
) AS xmldata )
insert into my_table
select * from (
TempXML.Node.value(''@doc-number'', ''varchar(200)'') as doc_number,
TempXML2.Node2.value(''(/name)[1]'', ''varchar(200)'') as name,
FROM @doc.nodes(''/my_element'') TempXML (Node)
CROSS APPLY TempXML.Node.nodes(''//my_other_element'') TempXML2 (Node2)
' ) ;
SET @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1
END /*while*/
February 2, 2010 at 6:53 pm
thanks for posting your update.
Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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