FTP using SSIS - How to determine File Time Stamp on remote server ?

  • Hi,

    Using SQL2005 SSIS...

    I would like to get the file time stamp of the file before I download it.

    It appears that the GetListing method only provides directory and filename.

    Any other way to get it within a Script task ?

    Thanks !

  • rob cushen (1/18/2011)


    Using SQL2005 SSIS...

    I would like to get the file time stamp of the file before I download it.

    It appears that the GetListing method only provides directory and filename.

    Any other way to get it within a Script task ?

    Thanks !

    The link below should help you out:


    MCTS: BI 2008, MCITP: BI 2008
    Stay Thirsty My Friends

  • Thanks for the response !

    I was kind of hoping to accomplish it somehow via the FtpClientConnection Class within vb.net (within a Script Task in SSIS).

    Within the FtpClientConnection Class I do not see a Method available in order to do what should be a simple task (obtain the time stamp of the file). I only want to download the file if it has a "new" timestamp.

    I am hoping that I am overlooking some obvious answer and that someone can set me straight.

    I will even settle for a "Rename" method within the FtpClientConnection Class.

    Any ideas ?

  • I wrote this little gem that works from within an SSIS Script task.

    It puts the filenames and timestamps in a dataset which you can put in a variable,.....


    /// <summary>

    /// get the filelist with lastmodified time stamps from the specified ftp site

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="FTP_HostName">the ftp site without the ftp:// prefix</param>

    /// <param name="FTP_Password"></param>

    /// <param name="FTP_UserName"></param>

    /// <returns></returns>

    public static System.Data.DataSet GetFilesWithDates(string FTP_HostName, string FTP_Password, string FTP_UserName)


    string[] delimiters = { "\t" };

    string[] fileinfo = { "", "" };

    WebRequest FNrequest = FtpWebRequest.Create(string.Format("ftp://{0}:{1}@{2}/", FTP_UserName, FTP_Password, FTP_HostName));

    FNrequest.Proxy = null;

    FNrequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;

    DataTable dtFiles = new DataTable(); dtFiles.Columns.Add("filename", typeof(string)); dtFiles.Columns.Add("date", typeof(string));

    string FNLine; string FDLine;

    Dictionary<string, string> filenames = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    using (FtpWebResponse FNameResponse = (FtpWebResponse)FNrequest.GetResponse())

    using (TextReader Reader = new StreamReader(FNameResponse.GetResponseStream()))



    FNLine = Reader.ReadLine();

    if (FNLine != null)


    WebRequest FDRequest = FtpWebRequest.Create(string.Format("ftp://{0}:{1}@{2}/{3}", FTP_UserName, FTP_Password, FTP_HostName, FNLine));

    FDRequest.Proxy = null;

    FDRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetDateTimestamp;

    using (FtpWebResponse FDateResponse = (FtpWebResponse)FDRequest.GetResponse())

    FDLine = FDateResponse.LastModified.ToUniversalTime().ToString();

    fileinfo[0] = FNLine;

    fileinfo[1] = FDLine;


    FDRequest = null;


    } while (FNLine != null);

    DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();


    return ds;


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