Apostrophe in Stored Proc

  • When a variable in my stored procedure contains an c, it returns me an error.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetEZQueryList @@sUser as nchar(500), @@sSupervisor as char(1), @@sAllowed as varchar(8000) AS

    --set @@sUser = REPLACE(@@sUser, '''''','''''')

    IF @@sSupervisor <> 'Y'


    EzqDateMod, EzqFlxID, EzqUserName, EzqName, EzqData, EzqDescrip

    FROM EZQuery

    WHERE (EzqUserName=@@sUser)

    OR (EzqUserName='SYSTEM' AND Cast(EzqFlxID as varchar(10)) IN (select * FROM intlist_to_tbl(@@sAllowed)))



    EzqDateMod, EzqFlxID, EzqUserName, EzqName, EzqData, EzqDescrip

    FROM EZQuery


    The SP is retrieving @@sUser from VB and its getting the value Do'Sullivan.

    When I ran a trace I found it is executing the SP like this

    exec sp_getezquerylist 'DO' + CHAR(39) + 'SULLIVAN', 'n', '100'

    Think + CHAR(39) + is causing the error


    Waiting for your suggestions

  • Can you look at and post the VB code?

    If they were using parameters in ADO to call the proc there wouldn't be an issue.

    Why are you using @@ for parameters? One @ is all you need.

  • Paramaters are being passed to call the stored proc

  • Thanks you for the post.

    Hi guys, Im a newbie. Nice to join this forum.


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