Is update statistics logged?

  • Hi I'm getting ready to run a test but while I wait for the backup to transfer I thought I'd go ahead and as, is update statistics logged?

    i.e. will it cause the T-Log to grow?

  • It is logged, but is nowhere near the amount of logging that say a reindex does (even with fullscan).

  • UPDATE STATISTICS is a logged operation. However it should not make the transaction log to a huge size unless the table itself is too huge

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Thanks, we had to forgo reindexing on this 14GB DB until we get more disk space, so I'm trying to avoid a disk space / tlog out of space error with the update statistics.

  • FYI, tempdb got hammered and grew quite a bit on my test server

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