Results Different from inside a proc

  • Hi guys,

    I recently made a change to a data structure and I'm in the process of refactoring all the procedures and functions which rely on those tables.

    I want to query all procs and functions to see if they rely on the procs/functions I have already changed.

    If I do this:

    DECLARE @procName VARCHAR(50)

    SET @procName = 'ufShowFolderPermissionForUser'

    select @procName as RefName,,m.definition

    from sys.sql_modules m

    left outer join sysobjects o on

    where [definition] like '%' + @procName + '%'

    I get a list of where this function is being used.

    If I use the same code in a stored procedure (below), I get no results back.

    Any clues?



    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE name = N'usp_FindProcUsage' AND xtype = 'P')

    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.usp_FindProcUsage


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_FindProcUsage

    @vcProcList varchar(8000)


    DECLARE @tblProcArray TABLE


    ProcNum INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    ProcName varchar(1000)


    -- load table names into array table

    INSERT INTO @tblProcArray

    SELECT Element FROM

    dbo.split(@vcProcList, ',')

    DECLARE procs CURSOR FOR Select ltrim(rtrim(ProcName)) from @tblProcArray

    DECLARE @c_procname varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @sql varchar(2000)

    SELECT * FROM @tblProcArray tpa

    OPEN procs FETCH procs INTO @c_procname

    while @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1


    SELECT @c_procname

    select ltrim(rtrim(@c_procname)) as RefName,,m.definition

    from sys.sql_modules m

    left outer join sysobjects o on m.object_id=

    where [definition] like ('%' + @c_procname + '%')

    --select @sql = 'select ''' + @c_procname + ''' as RefName,,m.definition '

    --select @sql = @sql + ' from sys.sql_modules m '

    --select @sql = @sql + ' inner join sysobjects o on'

    --select @sql = @sql + ' where [definition] like ''%' + @c_procname + '%'''

    --execute (@sql)

    FETCH procs INTO @c_procname


    CLOSE procs DEALLOCATE procs


  • I'm sorry, but how is that the same code? You've introduced half a dozen new variables, any one of which could be causing the problems. I'd debug the stored procedure, adding in checks to make sure you're getting everything you think you're getting at each different point within it.


    Check that your split function is splitting the string exactly as you're expecting.

    Check to make sure that the new elements match up to valid objects in the database.

    Make sure that the different elements are being fetched properly from your cursor.

    Make sure it is running in the correct database.

    Just look at every different point in the SP to see which part isn't matching up. That should point you to what the problem is.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

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