Identity Error

  • I face strange problem..

    My SP is selecting from DB1 and inserting into DB2

    I have no tables which has identity column, neither in DB1 or DB2

    But when I execute the sp it gives me error

    Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table '<table name>' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

    Can some one please help . Its little urgent



  • check dependcy on the table whether it is having trigger for insert.

    also if possible script out the table send to us or check the script itself whether it has identity column



  • Hi

    Just cross checked and saw that table has identity column.

    But in sp i have written



    insert into ....

    but it still passes me error saying

    cannot perform set operation because table has no identity column

  • when you are inserting values in identity column


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT schema_name.table ON

    insert into schema_name.table(col1,col2.....)

    select a,b,c... from table

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT schema_name.table off

    you have to explictly provide list of all columns n the insert statemnt and select statement.

    not to specify database name.

    i hope this will solve the problem

  • I think your syntax may be incorrect. If you are inserting into DB2, then the IDENTITY_INSERT needs to be on for that table, not the source table DB1. Your syntax shows DB1 and I think it should be DB2.

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