Laptop Boy Scouts

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Laptop Boy Scouts

  • One technique the police could use to catch these guys is to get hold of a bunch of cheap non-functional laptops, install them with a GPS tracking device, and then leave them lying around in conspicuous locations. For example, they could walk into Star Bucks posing as a regular customer and leave for the restroom with the laptop sitting unattended on the table. There are probably a lot of theives, but only a handful of specific PC "chop shops" where the stolen laptops are wiped down for resale on eBay and CraigsList.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • If somebody is by themselves anywhere and leaves their laptop (or other possessions) on a table to go somewhere out of sight, the stuff is really ripe for the picking. I never leave items like that anywhere. I take them with me. I have more regard for my data and possessions than to leave them unattended in public.

  • This may be a repost but it is just as important now as when it was first put out. The updated idiom is "A fool and his laptop are soon parted" isn't it?

    Good word!


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

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